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李书晓 男 硕导 中国科学院自动化研究所电子邮件: shuxiao.li@ia.ac.cn通信地址: 北京市海淀区中关村东路95号邮政编码: 100190
2003-09--2008-06 中国科学院研究生院 研究生/博士1999-09--2003-07 西安交通大学机械工程学院 本科/学士
2016-07~现在, 中国科学院自动化研究所, 副研究员,硕士研究生导师2010-11~2016-06,中国科学院自动化研究所, 副研究员2008-07~2010-10,中国科学院自动化研究所, 助理研究员
承担的项目“遥控移动靶系统”荣获2007年度军队科技进步一等奖,主持的项目“无人机智能视觉云台”荣获2016年度深圳市创新创富大赛一等奖、2018年大湾区人工智能与机器人创新创业大赛第二名。共获取授权发明专利10项,在申请发明专利2项。发明专利1. 李书晓、朱承飞;基于模仿学习的小样本目标分类方法及装置,2022-1-19(申请日),中国,CN202210061198.9.2. 李书晓、朱承飞、朱晓萌;基于进化元学习模型训练的小样本特征分析方法及装置,2021-12-13(申请日),中国,CN202111520388.4.3. 李书晓、朱承飞、高阳、常红星;基于视觉的轴承密封件缺陷检测方法,2019-12-17(授权日),中国,CN201610804970.6.4. 兰晓松、李书晓、朱承飞、常红星;基于颜色模式分析与语义分割的盲道检测方法,2020-10-30(授权日),中国,CN201810735337.5.5. 兰晓松、李书晓、朱承飞、常红星;基于深度神经网络的高分辨率航拍视频运动目标检测方法,2020-10-16(授权日),中国,CN201810629556.5.6. 兰晓松、常红星、李书晓、朱承飞;基于高分辨率连拍图像的运动目标检测方法,2019-7-12(授权日),中国,CN201610305544.8.7. 兰晓松、常红星、李书晓、朱承飞;一种视频中基于在线动态背景建模的运动目标检测方法,2018-4-10(授权日),中国,CN201510696087.5.8. 朱承飞、常红星、李书晓、兰晓松、宋翼;一种基于视觉的无人机对地运动目标检测方法,2017-11-7(授权日),中国,CN201510157976.4.9. 朱承飞、常红星、李书晓;一种无人机对地目标ROI提取方法,2016-11-22(授权日),中国,CN201310745111.0.10. 高阳、常红星、李书晓、朱承飞;一种通过X射线检测含金属被测物的无损检测系统和方法,2015-1-7(授权日),中国,CN201210413226.5.11. 高阳、常红星、夏卫平、李书晓、朱承飞;一种用于金属线材生产的在线检测方法和装置,2015-10-28(授权日),中国,CN201310190125.0.12. 常红星、李书晓、朱承飞、谷多玉、郭江;无人机视觉辅助导航方法及系统,2013-7-31(授权日),中国,CN200910087397.1.
在国内外学术刊物和会议发表论文五十余篇,其中包含以第一作者/通讯作者发表的Neurocomputing、CVIU、IMAVIS、PRL、计算机学报等知名期刊;受邀为IS、EAAI、IJIS、CVIU、IMAVIS、PRL等20余个SCI刊物的审稿人。期刊论文1. Rujing Yao, Yingchun Ye, Ji Zhang, Shuxiao Li and Ou Wu*, Exploring developments of the AI field from the perspective of methods, datasets, and metrics, Information Processing and Management, Volume 20, Issue 2, March 2023: 1–21; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2022.103157. (SCI)2. Yu Wang and Shuxiao Li*, Similarity activation map for co-salient object detection, Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 163, November 2022: 159-167; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2022.10.009. (SCI)3. Xiaomeng Zhu and Shuxiao Li*, MGML: momentum group meta-learning for few-shot image classification, Neurocomputing, Volume 514, December 2022: 351-361; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2022.10.012. (SCI)4. Lei Zhao, Zhonghua Ou, Lixun Zhang and Shuxiao Li*, Hybrid fine-tuning strategy for few-shot classification, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022: 1–12; https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9620755. (SCI)5. Xiaolong Guo, Xiaosong Lan, Kunfeng Wang and Shuxiao Li*, Contour loss for instance segmentation via k-step distance transformation image, IET Computer Vision, Volume 16, Issue 8, December 2022: 683–693; https://doi.org/10.1049/cvi2.12114. (SCI)6. Jie Wang and Shuxiao Li*, Grasp detection via visual rotation object detection and point cloud spatial feature scoring, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Volume 18, Issue 6, November 2021: 1–15; https://doi.org/10.1177/17298814211055577. (SCI)7. Peng Gu, Xiaosong Lan and Shuxiao Li*, Object detection combining CNN and adaptive color prior features, Sensors 2021, 21(8), 2796; https://doi.org/10.3390/s21082796. (SCI)8. Chengfei Zhu#, Shan Jiang#, Shuxiao Li, Xiaosong Lan*, Efficient and practical correlation filter tracking, Sensors 2021, 21(3), 790; https://doi.org/10.3390/s21030790. (SCI)9. Peng Gu, Chengfei Zhu, Xiaosong Lan, Jie Wang and Shuxiao Li*, Robust image classification with cognitive-driven color priors, Electronics 2020, 9(11), 1837; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9111837. (SCI)10. Pinlong Zhao, Zefeng Han, Qing Yin, Shuxiao Li and Ou Wu*, Sentiment analysis via dually-born-again network and sample selection, Intelligent Data Analysis, 24(6) (2020), 1257-1271. (SCI)11. Feimo Li*, Shuxiao Li*, Chengfei Zhu, Xiaosong Lan and Hongxing Chang, Cost-effective class-imbalance aware CNN for vehicle localization and categorization in high resolution aerial images, Remote Sensing 2017, 9(5), 494; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9050494. (SCI)12. Yi Song, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu* and Hongxing Chang, Object tracking with dual field-of-view switching in aerial videos, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 13(6) (2016), 565-573.13. Yi song, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu*, Sheng Jiang and Hongxing Chang, Invariant foreground occupation ratio for scale adaptive mean shift tracking, IET Computer Vision, 9(4)(2015), 489-499. (SCI)14. Yiping Shen, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu* and Hongxing Chang, A fast top-down visual attention method to accelerate template matching, Computer Modeling and New Technologies, 18(5) (2014), 86-93.15. Shuxiao Li, Ou Wu, Chengfei Zhu and Hongxing Chang, Visual object tracking using spatial context information and global tracking skills, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 125 (2014), 1-15. (SCI)16. Hao Shen, Chengfei Zhu, Shuxiao Li and Hongxing Chang, A machine vision system for bearing greasing procedure, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, volume 255 ( 2013), 309-316.17. Hao Shen, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu*, Hongxing Chang and Jinlan Zhang, Moving object detection in aerial video based on spatiotemporal saliency, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 26(5) (2013), 1211-1217. (SCI)18. 申浩,李书晓,申意萍,朱承飞,常红星. 航拍视频帧间快速配准算法,航空学报,34(6),2013:1405-1413.19. Hao Shen, Shuxiao Li, Duoyu Gu and Hongxing Chang, Bearing defect inspection based on machine vision, Measurement, 45(4) (2012), 719-733. (SCI)20. Yushuang Zhang, Shuxiao Li and Hongxing Chang, Fast mosaicking panoramic images with parallax scene from a PTZ camera, Advanced Materials Research, volumes 468-471 (2012), 1775-1780.21. 谷多玉,郭江,李书晓,常红星. 基于Gabor滤波器的航空图像居民区域检测,北京航空航天大学学报,38(1),2012:106-110,122.22. 郭江,谷多玉,李书晓,常红星. 基于运动增强和颜色分布比对的运动目标检测,北京航空航天大学学报,38(2),2012:263-267,272.23. 郭江,申浩,李书晓,常红星. 基于全局仿射变换估计的航拍视频校正,计算机应用研究,28(6),2011:2342-2345.24. Shuxiao Li, Hongxing Chang and Chengfei Zhu, Adaptive pyramid mean shift for global real-time visual tracking, Image and Vision Computing, 28(3) (2010), 424-437. (SCI)25. Shuxiao Li, Hongxing Chang and Chengfei Zhu, Fast curvilinear structure extraction and delineation using density estimation, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 113 (6) (2009), 763-775. (SCI)26. 李书晓,常红星. 基于总变分和形态学的航空图像道路检测算法,计算机学报,30(12),2007:2173–2180.27. 李书晓,常红星. 新的航空图像道路检测与跟踪算法,北京航空航天大学学报,33(4),2007:445-449.会议论文1. Shan Jiang, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu* and Nan Yan, Efficient correlation filter tracking with adaptive training sample update scheme, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Milan, Italy, 2021.1.10-2021.1.15, pp549-555.2. Shan Jiang, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu and Xiaosong Lan, Robust visual tracking with channel weighted color ratio feature, International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing, Xiamen, China, 2019.7.5-2019.7.7, pp61-65.3. Shan Jiang, Shuxiao Li and Chengfei Zhu, Kernelized correlation filter tracking with scale adaptive filter and feature integration, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, China, 2018.12.7-2018.12.10, pp61-65.4. Zhigong Zhou, Xiaosong Lan, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu and Hongxing Chang, Feature pyramid SSD: outdoor object detection algorithm for blind people, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, China, 2019.12.6-2019.12.9, pp.650-654.5. Haiying Zhang, Tenghai Qiu, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu, Xiaosong Lan and Hongxing Chang, Autonomous navigation with improved hierarchical neural network based on deep reinforcement learning, Chinese Control Conference, Guangzhou, China, 2019.7.27-2019.7.30, pp.1619-1624.6. Xiaosong Lan, Chengfei Zhu, Shuxiao Li and Hongxing Chang, A feature pair based method for online moving object detection from high-resolution airborne videos, International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing, Xiamen, China, 2019.7.5-2019.7.7, pp.438-445.7. Jiaming Huang, Xiaosong Lan, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu, and Hongxing Chang, Consecutive Feature Network for Object Detection, International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Changcun, China, 2018.8.5-2018.8.8, pp.1123-1128.8. Huantai Xu, Xia Liu, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu and Hongxing Chang, A real-time ranging method based on parallel binocular vision, International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, Hangzhou, China, 2017.12.9-2017.12.10, pp.183-187.9. Yiwei Ru, Hongyue Du, Shuxiao Li, Hongxing Chang, Action recognition based on binocular vision, International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics, Shanghai, China, 2017.12.29-2017.12.31, pp.160-164.10. Feimo Li, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu, Xiaosong Lan and Hongxing Chang, Class-imbalance aware CNN extension for high resolution aerial image based vehicle localization and categorization, International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing, Chengdu, China, 2017.6.2-2017.6.4, pp.761-765.11. Feimo Li, Xiaosong Lan, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu and Hongxing Chang, Efficient vehicle detection and orientation estimation by confusing subsets categorization, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, China, 2017.12.13-2017.12.16, pp.336-340.12. Feimo Li, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu, Xiaosong Lan, Hongxing Chang, Specific changes detection in visible-band VHR images using classification likelihood space, Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015.11.3-2015.11.6, pp.381-385.13. Xiaosong Lan, Zhiwei Xiong, Wei Zhang, Shuxiao Li, Hongxing Chang and Wenjun Zeng, A super-fast online face tracking system for video surveillance, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Montreal, Canada, 2016.5.22-2016.5.25, pp.1998-2001.14. Xiaosong Lan, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu, Feimo li and Hongxing Chang, A dynamic online background modeling framework for moving object detection from airborne videos, IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing, Nanjing China, 2015.12.18-2015.12.20,pp.168-172.15. Xiaosong Lan, Shuxiao Li and Hongxing Chang, Real-time moving object detection from airborne videos with relative distance change measure, IEEE 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Xi'an, China, 2014.9.11-2014.9.13, pp.187-192.16. Yi Song, Shuxiao Li and Hongxing Chang. Target confirmation and relocation using the correlation filter in mean shift tracking, International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing, Beijing, China, 2014.10.24-2014.10.26, vol9443.17. Yi Song, Yiping Shen, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu, Jinglan Zhang and Hongxing Chang. Corner detection in images under different noise levels, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.8.24-2014.8.28, pp.906-911.18. Yi Song, Shuxiao Li, Jinglan Zhang and Hongxing Chang. Scale adaptive tracking using mean shift and efficient feature matching, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.8.24-2014.8.28, pp.2233-2238.19. Chenxu Wang, Shuxiao Li, Yiping Shen, Yi Song and Hongxing Chang. Evaluation of feature detectors and descriptors for motion detection from aerial videos, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.8.24-2014.8.28, pp.2596-2601.20. Chenxu Wang, Shuxiao Li, Yiping Shen, Hao Shen and Hongxing Chang, A novel image registration algorithm in aerial infrared videos, International Conference on Image and Graphics, Qingdao, China, 2013.7.26-2013.7.2, pp.572-578.21. Yiping Shen, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu and Hongxing Chang, Task specific top-down visual attention based on local pattern analysis and histogram backprojection, IEEE 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Xi'an, China, 2014.9.11-2014.9.13, pp.198-203.22. Ou Wu, Shuxiao Li, Honghui Dong, Ying Chen and Weiming Hu, Learning from multi-user multi-attribute annotations, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Pennsylvania, USA, 2014.4.24-2014.4.26, pp.19-27.23. Yiping Shen, Shuxiao Li, Chenxu Wang and Hongxing Chang, A fast alternative for template matching: an ObjectCode method, Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, Okinawa, Japan, 2013.11.5-2013.11.8, pp.425-429.24. Yiping Shen, Shuxiao Li, Yi Song and Hongxing Chang, Ordering pixels for fast ZNCC template matching, IEEE Tencon, Xi'an, China, 2013.10.22-2013.10.25, pp.1-5.25. Hao Shen, Shuxiao Li, Jinglan Zhang and Hongxing Chang, Tracking-based moving object detection, International Conference on Image Processing, Melbourne, Australia, 2013.9.15-2013.9.18, pp.3093-3097.26. Chengfei Zhu, Shuxiao Li, Yi Song and Hongxing Chang, Corner detector using invariant analysis, International Conference on Digital Image Processing, Beijing, China, 2013.4.21-2013.4.22, SPIE Vol.8878, 887802(1-5).27. Duoyu Gu, Chengfei Zhu, Jiang Guo, Shuxiao Li and Hongxing Chang, Vision-aided UAV navigation using GIS data. IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, QingDao, China, 2010.7.15-2010.7.17, pp.78-82.28. Jiang Guo, Duoyu Gu, Shuxiao Li, Yongshi Jiang and Hongxing Chang, An automated vision-based inspection system for bearing gland covers, International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application, Nanchang, China, 2009.11.21-2009.11.22, volume 3, pp.356-359.29. Chengfei Zhu, Shuxiao Li, Hongxing Chang, Yiping Yang and Jiang Guo, A novel method for exactly locating road intersections in aerial images, IEEE 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Xiamen, China, 2009.10.11-2009.10.14, volume Ⅱ, pp.161-165.30. Chengfei Zhu, Shuxiao Li, Hongxing Chang and Jixiang Zhang, Matching road networks extracted from aerial images to GIS data, Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, Shenzhen, China, 2009.7.18-2009.7.19, volume Ⅱ, pp.63-66.31. Ou Wu, Haiqiang Zuo, Weiming Hu, Mingliang Zhu and Shuxiao Li, Recognizing and filtering web images based on people's existence, International Conference on Web Intelligence and intelligent Agent Technology, Sydney, Australia, 2008.12.9-2008.12.12, pp.648-654.
主持国家自然科学基金项目3项(青年基金1项、联合基金重点项目子课题1项、面上项目子课题1项)。主持国家重点研发计划子课题1项、国防科技创新特区课题1项、中国科学院人工智能创新研究院“2035创新团队”子任务1项。作为骨干参与国家重点研发计划课题1项、国家高技术研究计划863项目1项。主持智能视觉云台、机械手视觉抓取等多个企业委托项目,已形成样机或演示系统。科研项目1. 企业委托项目,增强现实化妆镜关键技术研究,2022.8-2023.8,骨干.2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目子课题,62076020,基于图像和点云融合的自动驾驶环境多任务协同感知关键技术研究,2021.1-2024.12,主持.3. 中国科学院人工智能创新研究院2035创新任务之子任务,ZS描述标注数据集与基准测试任务场景生成,2021.1-2023.12,主持.4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,U19B2033,复杂环境下的多智能体广域自主感知理论与方法,2020.1-2023.12,主持.5. 国防科技创新特区课题,基于智能挖掘技术的XBXL规律发现,2020.6-2022.3,主持.6. 国家重点研发计划子课题,基于微观特征的数据收敛技术,2019.11-2022.4,主持.7. 企业委托项目,机械手视觉抓取关键技术研究,2019.10-2021.12,主持.8. 国家重点研发计划课题,2019YFF0301801,典型冰上项目多源数据智能分析系统,2019.10-2022.6,骨干.
已指导学生姜山 硕士研究生 085211-计算机技术 顾鹏 硕士研究生 085211-计算机技术 郭晓龙 硕士研究生 085211-计算机技术 王杰 硕士研究生 085208-电子与通信工程 现指导学生王煜 硕士研究生 081104-模式识别与智能系统 朱晓萌 硕士研究生 081104-模式识别与智能系统 彭一铭 硕士研究生 085400-电子信息
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